Monday, 29 January 2007

Found: Love's Labours

Unisun Publications, in its 2007 anthology, is going to feature a section on my poems. Will keep all seven-and-a-half readers of this blog posted, on all developments, including formal launch of the book and how and where you can buy it, once it's out.

It's a strange realisation, this bizarre committment to posterity. Some of the poems that my publisher has chosen, were written during a difficult time. And it irks me to think that years and years from now, these poems will still exist in a strange present-continuous for those who read it.

To think I wrote one of those for someone I've never met. Liam, I will always remember the day I first read your poems, and wrote one for you. It's going into a big fat book. Thank you.

To think everytime I read another, I'll be reminded of that Sunday afternoon, listening to the radio, wishing I had a better fountain pen, writing on my brown paper. To think the owner of the original copy probably doesn't give a fornication about its importance, if only in my life.

To think every poem featured reeks of love, loss, heartache or hope. I can smell them, sometimes. Hope is the smell of milk tea, I remember. Love smelt of candle smoke and freshly spilt ink. Et cetera. Quite boring, really, if you're not into this sort of thing. Anyway, the upshot is, it's all happening. Love's labours were hiding in the hitherto static potential of a publisher.


Anonymous said...

what were u listening to that inspired u that sunday afternoon ... just curious

Anonymous said...

We'll never remember
how we kissed
in our thousand follies of youth

Perched forever
on the nape of your neck
is the triangle of my tooth

Dated 29th October 2006
From anoopa to me

I remember. Very well. Hug! :-)

Anoopa Anand said...

Carlton: I was listening to Indigo & Blues with Carlton Braganza. Radio Indigo 91.9 FM. Bleddy!! Thoo nina!!

Vivek: Congratulations. You win a prize.

Anoopa Anand said...

Liam: Thank you. Of course you'll receive a copy! I'll let you know as soon as the book is on the stands. And you can give me the address to mail it to. Mail me at

Yay! Apparently, we live in exciting times.