Monday, 8 January 2007

Dreaming on the verge of strife*

Good news, festivities, hilarities and developments have kept me predominantly occupied and almost giggly.

On Sunday, Sharmon and I went to the beautiful new home of Pat and my son, Mr. Rustomji. They have a lovely place in Whitefield, and if not for the hilarious company of an old friend, I might not have survived the unexpectedly long drive. Pat cooked us a lovely meal, we went for a drive to their Lovely Project and enjoyed the disturbingly clean air.

Meanwhile, in what now seems to be not-so-fresh news, Kiran from Orange Biriyani is well on her way to Baby #2. I have resumed my seasonal duty of name-searching, which I thoroughly enjoy. Needless to say, I am unbelievably excited at the prospect of another neice/nephew. Even if it's one that I may not get to see as often as I like. I know I've said this before, but what I hate most about geography is distances.

More momentous news by way of Swetha's wedding came to me about an hour back. My dearest friend from the days when the Alphabet was just beginning to stop being a mystery and the canteen was an unaffordable formidable entity. I have offered to be her fiance's best man. And I'm already embarking on devious plans to get permission for leave.

And finally, something a little closer to my heart and more directly involved with my few but important resolutions for this pretentious bastard concept of New Years and New Beginnings. I'm finally getting something published. And most likely, very much in the near future. More details will be revealed when I think the time is right.

Oh! Also. The Saab and I have decided to move out of Dona Maria. Bigger, better, etc. We're very excited about it, and can't wait to see the few places we have shortlisted.

The quieter life suits me well. The startling fear of spending time with myself seems to be abating. My mind is not made of monsters anymore, and neither are my dreams. And I am grateful for the new-found peace. I hope it lasts.

As much of an afterthought as this may seem to be, I hope you have an interesting year. 'Happy' is passe, and if you're moderately intelligent, you will manage the 'successful', 'fruitful' and 'fun' by yourself. Make it interesting!

*Title credit: Frances Conford

1 comment:

Firefoxcub said...

oh man.... now iwanna eat biriyani. fuck this white bread country.