Stories at the Coffee Table costs a modest Rs 200. (That’s about US$ 4.50. For a quick conversion to other currencies, see Universal Currency Converter.)
As of this writing, there’s only one way to buy Stories at the Coffee Table: email us at editors at caferati dot com, with your mailing address. We’ll courier a copy to you, and you can pay cash on delivery (the purchase price + postage from New Delhi, India) when it reaches you.
We’re negotiating deals with distributers and booksellers as we speak. We will update this page with details soon.
As of this writing, there’s only one way to buy Stories at the Coffee Table: email us at editors at caferati dot com, with your mailing address. We’ll courier a copy to you, and you can pay cash on delivery (the purchase price + postage from New Delhi, India) when it reaches you.
We’re negotiating deals with distributers and booksellers as we speak. We will update this page with details soon.
(For regular updates, please link to )
ha! I might be the first person ever to order it online. :)
You know its weird... i see 200 Rs and im like mother of FUCK. But then its only 5.25 CAD and thts ONLY 5 dollars. Thts cheap. I now understand how currency exchanges work and why foreigners blow so much dough in Asia.
Congrats! When's the reading session? -PP
Thanks a lot Aisha. Do let us know what you think of our stories (says the attention-hungry hack).
Aisha: Thank you, lovely! Yes, please let us know when you read our stories. Can't wait for you to have the book! Actually, can't wait to receive my own copy.
PP: No reading, ra. Will give you the stories, you read in Tavern. :)
JP: I want my bleddy copy, daaaa!
Me too. I've got a space for it all cleared up and ready in my litle shrine to myself and everything. argh
You are with Caferati? How come I never caught you poem there?
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