I have reason to believe that Bonzo is having a relationship. A platonic one, of course, seeing that he has no balls (literally, for all those who are immediately experiencing the throes of kinship), but a relationship nonetheless. He now treats home like a bed and breakfast. Sometimes, it's only breakfast. The night before last, I was up till 6.30 am almost in tears because I thought he'd been run over somewhere, and he showed up for breakafast and a nuzzle.
At least I waited till I was an adult before I allowed my mother the pleasure of having sleepless nights on account of me. Bonzo is pre-pubescent. Children these days.
Here's a recent picture, featuring Bonzo and a new 'friend'. His father Sabbah keeps showering him with gifts. Visitation rights, you know.
Nice blog..
Besharam! Visitation rights, it seems. Where's my key? Hmmm?
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