Wednesday 12 September, 2007



This is almost a life update thing. In that, I am alive. Also, I don't know what I'm typing. See that's the thing with blogs, you can't use pen and paper. Not that I'd be any the wiser, given a pen and paper situation.

Anyway, this is almost a life update thing, in that I am alive. Entirely made up of antibiotics and nebulisers, but alive. Turns out I have bronchitis and asthma- something that was discovered after hours of not breathing and being taken to a hospital where an amused doctor shoved an oxygen mask in my face and told me so. Like, nyaaaah.

Life changing?

My smoking days are over. As are my days of being a mommy to Bonzo and Joey. I have been told that staying alive henceforth will involve getting rid of the cats. I am trying to sound cheerful about it. Fact remains, I am fairly devastated. JP, if you're reading this, please consider taking my babies and giving them a home. Saab, any ideas?

Anyway. More later. Gotta go. Also, if you think nebulisers and oxygen pumps are cool, like I once did, they are not. Hurrah for (erstwhile) lungs.



wendigo said...

shit. duaas.

Jellicles said...

hey..i was in the same situation a while ago. turns out i did not have asthma. you cant be allergic to cats if you already werent allergic to them.

check if you are suffering from acid reflux. because of bad eating habits, i got acid reflux which in turn pushed some acid into the sinuses..which infects them and then they in turn started to drip the infection into my lungs. which of course, led to lazy prescription of steroids..THRICE. and then they put me on inhaled steroids.(no matter what they say, do NOT go the steroid route). i quickly fired my doctor and asked another one. she was a life saver. right now, i am going behind her back..stopping her acid reflux medication and trying my hand at self prescribed homeopathy medication. i have given myself one week to see any improvement before i switch back to her acidity medication. my trigger was spicy food. yours could be anything. do check with another doctor for a second opinion.

it took about 6 months and 3 doctors to figure this out. there is no harm in asking for a second opinion.

and yes..its a good idea to quit smoking. good luck with that!

Jellicles said...

ok..i cant stop. got something else to say...she probably put you on a albuterol nebuliser thing...not oxygen. it can increase your heart rate and play havoc with your moods..the palpitations were especially scary for me. but here is the not get scared. its like a vicious cycle. you get freaked out, it makes your condition worse. our breathing mechnaism is largely dependent on our breathe faster and more shallow when you are upset/angry etc etc..learning pranayama/yogic breathing is a good idea too.

the more your breathing is affected, it worsens your condition. i started getting chest pains right in the middle of my chest. but i already knew that it cant be a heartattack..i popped antacids like crazy and just like that *poof*, the gas bubble burst. so if you feel chest pains/back pains/neck pain probably confirms my theory that this could be an acidity issue. do you burp after every meal? does your food 'come out' when you burp?

the antibiotics will help, but not much if it is serious. you should be able to get pH strips. check your saliva and urine..see how acidic you really took me a lot of time and research to find out all this. and in the meantime, i was devastated physically by needless drugs. for all i know, it *could* be asthma, but then again, it neednt be.

please get well soon.

Jellicles said...

ok..dont hate me for too many comments(i can only think in spurts), but i was joey and bonzo. here is the deal. you cant be allergic to cats or cat hair etc. you can only be allergic to cat dander! there are skin allergy tests. its a matrix that will test all the things that you are allergic to(peanuts, wheat, dairy, pollen, pet dander etc etc)..and if you are allergic to cat dander, it means that you cant keep joey and bonzo...otherwise, its good, yes?

Ostrich said...

oh my god boom...i hope you're feeling better now. Will call you soon okay. Hugs

Anoopa Anand said...

Jellicles: Sorry about replying so late. Your advice was overwhelming! No worries. I am not getting rid of my babies. People are mad to suggest it. And, yes. I will take all your advice and welcome more, and mail you.

Many thanks again.

Otrich: Kisshy poo. I am all better. But CALL ME!
I louse you.

Wendigs: I like your poem item on the hampster. :)