Friday, 9 February 2007

The over promise

She spent her youth being driven around
from one all-night party to its hangover.
But she eyed the big life.
Big house, big pool, big dogs and a man with a big
bank balance.

So she married one of her hangovers.
Investment banker with a five-star outlook.
Two-star personality.
The trade-off is in the diamonds
and a bun already in the oven.

Became the typical wife.
Learnt patience with a monumental ass of a husband,
cleaning up his drunken puke and rebuke,
sweeping a thousand misgivings
under various Persian carpets.

Now he sits at home-
a whisky in hand is better at two in the afternoon.
She leans over the kitchen counter,
sharpening her knives
to cut him some slack.


Anonymous said...

When I read poems like this, I wonder why you're not counted among our most successful contemporary poets. This is such a complete poem - love it.

Anoopa Anand said...

Thank you so much, Liam. Hearing things like that makes me stop wondering about the futility of what I write. :)