Friday 17 November, 2006

Dog for a Day

Last week, The Cat and I went on a little holiday. And on the road, our car ran over a dog. I was talking, and I remember thinking, what a strange speedbreaker. But I don't remember much else. Instead, I tried to shut it out of my thoughts and my conscience. And I had a great weekend, and nightmares. I came back and had a normal week, with nightmares. At night I sleep peacefully, with nightmares. Always at the back of my head, is the sound of a strange speedbreaker followed by the image of a writhing dog. Black and white and red all over.

Of course I'll never forgive myself. And as a lame attempt to redeem the horror the horror the horror, I dedicate this blog to a dead dog.

Black and white and red all over, if I could have been a dog for a day, I'd choose to be you on that day.


Deeply Dippy said...

I know exactly how you feel. G and I ran over a dog too near Hubli two years back on our way back from Goa. Not a dog actually coz it was still a pup:( And it was playfully chasing another dog across the road. And we didn't see it coming! Nightmares...nightmares..

Kiran said...

Noopy, I'm loving your blog - it makes me want to cry, but also laugh, because it's you (and V) on the page.
Love you

Anoopa Anand said...

Dippy: True. Try as I might, I can't talk about it.

Kiran: Yaaaayyyy! My beautiful, how are you? I misses you. I found an old card you'd given me once, and needless to say, I burst into tears. Many love.